Re: [Salon] Senate eyes repeal of Iraq war authorization

Resending this in case it did not come through complete. I just finished reading Bill Barr’s memoir, which shows this “Constitutional Interpretation” as fully adopted by Trump’s AG, as it always was by Republicans going back to when the CIA founders of the so-called “Conservative Movement” in the 1950s first adopted and promoted this “interpretation” as legal justification for their planned wars for “roll-back,” as against “containment,” of the Soviets and “Red Chinese.” Though in effect, they amounted to the same (see Iran and Guatemala). 

On Feb 10, 2023, at 8:31 AM, Todd Pierce <> wrote:

Perhaps of interest, with the following key points to be considered on the likelihood that such a “radical measure” could come to pass. Which I share not as a “partisan” of the Democrats, but as an objective, detached observation as a “political theorist” of the Hannah Arendt kind, by graduate school training (and practical experience at Guantanamo and the Military Commissions) of the “essence” of the issue (see attached file), with this excerpt showing that with such an “ideology,” ending the Iraq War Resolution doesn’t restore to Congress the authority to decide when the US goes to war: 

<Goldwater Conversation with President Reagan.pdf>

(Forgive the large white spaces but they come with the “pasting.” Does anyone know what book they are referring to?)

But here are key points from the MC Times article below:

"The Biden administration has supported the move, arguing that ending the war authorization against Iraq of the Saddam Hussein era would make clear that the Iraq government of today is a partner of the United States. It would also remove a grievance for rival Iran to exploit, State Department officials have said.
"But Republican opponents have argued that revoking the two authorizations for military force would signal U.S. weakness to Iran (TP-and will want to use it again when a Republican is back as POTUS as the “legal basis” to continue the Trump/Netanyahu “covert war,” against Iran, if not overt by that time).
“The ayatollah is listening to this debate,” Republican Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas said, referring to Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, when the panel debated the legislation two years ago.          
"Republicans also pointed out that President Donald Trump’s administration had cited the 2002 Iraq war resolution as part of its legal justification for a 2020 U.S. drone strike that killed Iranian Gen. Qassim Soleimani.
"Supporters of the repeal said presidents should instead come to Congress. (TP-A minority Republican opinion, and one going against Goldwater/Reagan, representing the “Conservative Movement.")
“The framers gave Congress the grave duty to deliberate the questions of war and peace, but for far too long this body has abdicated this duty,” said Texas Rep. Chip Roy, a Republican sponsor of the bill in the House. “We must do our job.” Stop

But see Goldwater/Reagan “Constitutional Reinterpretation” in the attached file, serving "in effect" as a “Legal/Military coup d’état.” With the innate violence of it falling on the “foreign other,” and our own citizens, as retaliation for US “terrorist” attacks on other countries, and on our own military in the “performance of their duty” killing foreigners who shoot back, down to the present day, as we fight a “Perpetual War” on this “Constitutional Basis.”    


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